Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Check out the Pinterest for inspiration for your textiles work!
New OCR Art Textiles GCSE has got underway, the first project is 'Sugar and Spice, look forward to seeing what the students will create!

Tuesday, 16 May 2017


This year, a group of year 11 students enrolled in an ASDAN course in Design & Technology to help them develop their knowledge and understanding of Science and Technology through a project they designed and made themselves.

In D&T, these students made their own working models using mechanisms such as cams, levelers, cranks etc as well as including a written portfolio describing exactly what they did and how they solved problems along the way. Here are some of the fantastic designs they came up with:

Well done year 11 and best of luck in your upcoming GCSEs! 

Be on the look out for more updates on other exciting things happening in the D&T department soon! Please feel free to leave us any comments, we'd love to hear from you!

Friday, 12 May 2017

Year 7 Product Design: Eco-Torches

In Product Design this year, our Year 7s have been working hard on being "green designers"! They have been investigating how to design for a sustainable future and have been learning how long products take to decompose in a landfill. This was quite an eye-opening experience for them - did you know a plastic bottle takes 450 years to decompose? Did you know that glass may never decompose? 

Using this knowledge, they designed and made eco-friendly torches made from old products and materials. Some students chose to use materials that decompose quickly if the torch were ever to be disposed of, and others decided to save materials from a landfill site that are known to take a long time to decompose.

Here are some of the products they designed:

Be on the look out for more projects from our students soon and updates on other exciting things happening in the D&T department! Please feel free to leave us any comments, we'd love to hear from you!

Monday, 27 February 2017

Year 8 Laser Cut Acrylic Phone Stands

Our year 8 product design students have been stretching their imaginations and design skills with this acrylic phone stand project! They designed these from scratch, made 3D card models, drew up their designs using CAD, laser cut the digital drawing and then finally bent them into shape using the strip heater! We are so proud of the students' creativity, resilience and their final outcomes - check out some of them below:

Be on the look out for more projects from our students soon and updates on other exciting things happening in the D&T department! Please feel free to leave us any comments, we'd love to hear from you!

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Year 8 D&T Copper Pendants

As mentioned in this post a few months ago, our KS3 D&T students have been working hard and having fun learning about metals and producing these creative copper pendants! We took advantage of the lovely snowy scenes outside and had a photo shoot showcasing some great designs, check them out below:

Be on the look out for more projects from our students soon and updates on other exciting things happening in the D&T department! Please feel free to leave us any comments, we'd love to hear from you!

Friday, 13 January 2017

Lasercut Christmas Tree Ornaments

In December 2016, the D&T department used the laser cutter to create some new styles of tree ornaments to sell to help raise money at the Beaumont Christmas fair! Here are some examples which were all personalised with individual names:

Thank you to those who purchased these ornaments and showed their support. Keep an eye out for what laser cut products will be available next Christmas! (And if you have any suggestions for future product ideas, please let us know!)

Thursday, 12 January 2017

Choux Stopper Visit

On Friday, December 16th 2016, GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition students were treated to a professional cookery workshop lead by pastry chef and street food entrepreneur, Simon Northcott of ‘Choux Stopper’ Students watched Simon demonstrate making the perfect Pâte à Choux and spun sugar - they then made their own chocolate and salt caramel ‘wreaths’ for Christmas, filled with a rich salt caramel cream.

The students thoroughly enjoyed this experience and we are extremely grateful to Simon for taking time out of his busy schedule to lend us his expertise!

Do you (or does someone you know), work professionally in the food, hospitality or catering industry? We are always keen to hear from parents, friends and ex-students who could help our students improve their skills or demonstrate something new and interesting in lessons or on activity days. We are especially keen to hear from anyone working as either a dietician (or other health professional) or butcher, right now.

If you believe you could help, please contact Mrs J. Johnston ℅  admin@beaumont.herts.sch.uk.